Beginner's Guide to PacBio Data Analysis Series
Survey the Transcriptome Diversity Using Iso-Seq Analysis
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostics procedures.
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Thursday, June 14th
9:30 a.m. New Dehli
12 p.m. Singapore, Beijing, Shanghai
1 p.m. Tokyo, Seoul
2 p.m. Melbourne

Often we encounter misassemblies or incompleteness when bioinformatically assembling the sheared short pieces of transcript isoforms from RNA-Seq. The state-of-art Iso-Seq method enables the sequencing of transcript isoforms from the 5’ end to their poly-A tails, eliminating the need for transcript reconstruction and inference.
In this webinar we will dive into the concepts of Iso-Seq bioinformatics, provide a comprehensive guidance to Iso-Seq data analysis and review key applications.
Thank you for your interest.
This webinar was delivered on June 14, 2018.
Are you interested in learning how to handle long-read sequencing data?
Join this webinar series to learn data analysis options and concept for PacBio sequencing data. This session is focused on RNA isoform sequencing (Iso-Seq) application.
Nisha Pillai
Bioinformatics Scientist, PacBio APAC