Beginner's Guide to PacBio Data Analysis Series
A Sketch of Assembly Recipes for PacBio Data
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostics procedures.
© Copyright 2018 by Pacific Biosciences of California, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Thursday, June 7th
9:30 a.m. New Dehli
12 p.m. Singapore, Beijing, Shanghai
1 p.m. Tokyo, Seoul
2 p.m. Melbourne

Today it is typical to come across several sequencing technologies and with them, a range of genomic tools that can be applied to de novo whole genome assembly projects. Therefore, it’s vital to understand what tools work best for your genome data.
In this session we will give an overview of bioinformatics approaches for PacBio sequencing data and discuss key applications.
- Assembly workflow designs for low-coverage data to long-read sequencing data
- Bioinformatics overview of de novo assembly applications for PacBio sequencing data (such as HGAP4, Falcon & Falcon unzip)
- Other applications, best practices and case studies
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This webinar has been delivered on June 7th 2018.
Are you interested in learning how to handle long-read sequencing data? Join this webinar series to learn data analysis options and concepts for PacBio sequencing data. This session is focused on the de novo assembly application.
Nisha Pillai
Bioinformatics Scientist, PacBio APAC